A universe of type

Transforming one of the world’s biggest typographic libraries into a universe ☽

In 2024, Monotype was a returning Platinum sponsor at Adobe MAX Miami, one of the world's biggest creativity conferences.
My team was responsible for designing the entire 20" x 30" booth, the activations and the merchandise. We built a concept for the campaign:
a universe of type, where Monotype's library was transformed into constellations and stars, which viewers could navigate through a series of activations.

These included a custom machine, the Cosmic Ascender, which gave each viewer personalized font constellations based on users' star signs.
At the end a receipt was printed with their result.

The creative development was done by Kaleido Grafik.

Art Direction ✂︎ Monotype Design Team
Creative Development ⚙ Kaleido Grafik
Booth Build ☻ Catalyst Events


Landing page for Custom Ascender — 2024.

Booth design, main wall — 2024.

Unique receipts from Custom Ascender — 2024.

Merchandise — 2024.

Social post — 2024.